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Hi P@sco…
I have a request… Can you make themes like Allfa Themes, with 3d icons? You’re themes are great but it miss something… Icons and new looks!… Thanks in advance
It takes many many time to make a new iconpack… i’m already working on a new one, hope it’ll be ready in few weeks, hope when it’ll be released you’ll like it…
Anche se le icone Tango restano sempre le mie preferite… Ho notato solo ora che le stai usando nei temi per 3Ed…e la cosa non fa che aumentare i rimpianti di non averti quasi pi? in esclusiva per la 2nd
No thank you Pietro. I’m sorry that it wasn’t much, but I do so appreciate what you’ve done, and you deserved it. :) Lol, my neice downloaded it this morning also so she can brag about her Auntie!
Hey Pietro,I installed it and it did look a bit fuzzy. Lol, but thats ok… its not desperately needed on my e62. If you want I’ll email you a screenshot.
13 commenti
Hugo Alberto
Hi P@sco…
I have a request… Can you make themes like Allfa Themes, with 3d icons? You’re themes are great but it miss something… Icons and new looks!… Thanks in advance
It takes many many time to make a new iconpack… i’m already working on a new one, hope it’ll be ready in few weeks, hope when it’ll be released you’ll like it…
Anche se le icone Tango restano sempre le mie preferite…
Ho notato solo ora che le stai usando nei temi per 3Ed…e la cosa non fa che aumentare i rimpianti di non averti quasi pi? in esclusiva per la 2nd
Hugo Alberto
Really?! That’s great! I’m looking foward for y~that day P@sco.
Keep up the good work.
P@sco… you are da man!!!! Thank you soooooo much!! I love it!! Its totally amazing!!!
WOW Darla! happy you like it, it’s my little way for say you thanks for all the times i read interesting news from your blog!
many many thanks for your donation, it wasn’t my intention but it’s really appreciated from you!
many many thanks again
No thank you Pietro. I’m sorry that it wasn’t much, but I do so appreciate what you’ve done, and you deserved it. :) Lol, my neice downloaded it this morning also so she can brag about her Auntie!
In that case, i’m doubly happy!
Not so much Darla? just the fact you made a donation is a big thing ;)
Would this work on the E61/E62 also? I tried it on my E62 and it looked stretched.
Hi Darla, i made two LANDSCAPE versions, but i can not test them… hope they are ok for E62
Hey Pietro,I installed it and it did look a bit fuzzy. Lol, but thats ok… its not desperately needed on my e62. If you want I’ll email you a screenshot.
Yes Darla, if you can please email me a screen, as i told, i do not have possibility to try it so i’m quite sure it have bugs
I like it and the background and colors make it easy to readp