Tandem Theme 3rd Ed
Tema a quattro mani creato insieme a babi, probabilmente il pi? completo tema mai creato per 3rd, tutto fatto con immagini vettoriali, adatto a tutti i telefoni Symbian Os9
DOWNLOAD Default Icons Version
Tema a quattro mani creato insieme a babi, probabilmente il pi? completo tema mai creato per 3rd, tutto fatto con immagini vettoriali, adatto a tutti i telefoni Symbian Os9
DOWNLOAD Default Icons Version
13 commenti
Could you change this theme for Qvga?
it’s made all by svg, no need changes for qvga phones
You know what I’m gonna ask don’t you. Will there be a pink version?
Darla! Do you believe me if i say i was going to write you for a "darlamack theme"?
A pink one do you say? yes i think it’s possibile, just give us some days for workingon background…
Wow!!! I would LOVE a DarlaMack theme!!! It would go perfect with my pink N73. Since you and Babi are my favs for 3rd edition themes, I would be so honored!
just give me the time, i speak with babi for tandem pink
any suggestion for your theme? would you like to put in it some particular image? just ask
Pietro, anything that matches my website would be just fine!
Ciao Pietro, complimenti per il tema
Se possibile potreste proporlo in un altro colore, verde ad esempio? Grazie per l’attenzione.
Ciao, con babi stiamo lavorando ad altre versioni, ma siamo un p? troppo pignoli forse e per ora non ci piace niente delle varie prove
Speriamo di cavarne qualcosa di buono a breve
hello. Jus want to knw if im the only 1 having trouble downloadin ths theme wit the new icons? I get an ‘update error’ error msg when i try to install. Default icon version downloads n installs fyn. Also wit the version on babis syt. Pls help. I really lyk ths theme wit the new icons. Thnx
hello. Jus want to knw if im the only 1 having trouble installing ths theme wit the new icons? I get an ‘update error’ error msg when i try to install. Default icon version downloads n installs fyn. Also wit the version on babis syt. Pls help. I really lyk ths theme wit the new icons. Thnx
Hi Ridz, it’s very strange this kind of error… which phone do you have?
S P E T T A C O L A R E ! ! !! !!!
Il miglior tema x nokia che io abbia mai visto!
COMPLIMENTONI!!! Ciauz Alessandro